Thank you for Choosing Haus Morrisson German Shepherds!
We hope that your journey with us through the next several months is a pleasant one! We know how exciting and overwhelming it can be purchasing a new puppy. So we would like to help you prepare! We are here for any questions or concerns you may have. Below is a brief overview of how our process works.
Once we have accepted & approved your application after review....
A Deposit (which holds a place for a puppy) will need to been made. A deposit guarantees that you have a spot for a puppy when the litter is born. We cannot make guarantees that any particular sex or color is born. Applications are dated as to when they are received, as are deposits. This is taken into consideration during our selection process (see below). If you request a particular sex and we cannot fulfill your request, your deposit can be transferred to the next available litter (unless other arrangements have been specifically made). Deposits are non-refundable, but transferrable.
Gestation is (approximately) 63 days. We perform an Ultrasound at approximately 30 days to confirm pregnancy. Xrays are completed at approximately 54 days. This will determine the number of puppies we are expecting.
Once the litter is born, a litter announcement will be made via email and Facebook. We will post photographs on our website and our Facebook pages, as well. The majority of our updates are via Facebook, so we highly recommend and encourage you to become friends with us on Facebook.
The Haus Morrisson’s Facebook business page is https://www.facebook.com/haus.morrisson we recommend that like this page, so that we are able to message you online. You can also find us on Instagram at HausMorrissongsd . We will keep you constantly updated on the litter’s growth. We will also add you to the Haus Morrisson Owners Group on Facebook, where you can connect with other HM owners.
When the litter has turned 3 weeks of age, we will begin to have private visitations by appointment. This will give each client private time with the litter. For these visits, we will ask that you please do not bring any persons who may potentially be sick, and that you do not visit any places where dogs may have attended, such as Pet Smart, Dog Park, Friends home with dogs, Veterinarian, etc. This is to ensure the health of our puppies. We may also request you remove your shoes.
Once the litter begins to eat solid foods (approximately 3.5 to 4 weeks, they will also start to get some outdoor time. This is when we will begin group visitations. Group visitations are a great way to provide the puppies with social skills. This also allows new owners to meet their litter mates families and bond relationships, which will be valuable as your puppy grows. We will have visits every weekend (pending our show/trial schedule), generally on Sundays, but occasionally on Saturdays, for approximately 2 hours to give owners time to bond with their puppies. Same rules apply… no contact with other dogs, or places where dogs frequent on these days.
Selection Process: We do our best to match the puppy that best suits each family. We take their lifestyle and activity level and training styles into consideration. While sex of the puppy may be important trait for certain homes, We DO NOT SELL PUPPIES BASED SOLEY ON COLOR. Haus Morrisson reserves the right to their first choice of puppy. Working and/or Homes that actively trial or show will be top consideration (this trumps deposit spot over a non-working home). This is to avoid a high drive competition type pup from going to a pet home, and alternatively, a lower drive puppy from going to a pet home. Neither puppy would be happy in that situation, and neither would their owners.
Puppies start to form their personalities early, however, it is hard to get a true idea of temperament until about the 5 to 6 week point, especially for puppies that will be going to working homes. We ask for your patience in this, as our goal is to match the puppy that will truly fit your lifestyle, and, just as importantly, a home were the puppy will thrive. We consider ALL things when making this selection… Notes from Application and Discussions, Deposit Date, Clients Requests, Best Temperament match, and the capabilities of each puppy. We may ask clients to pick their top three favorite puppies to get an idea of what they are leaning toward, sometimes they match up great with our selections, and other times it requires a discussion. We hope to have selections finalized by the 5th or 6th week. We have utilized this process for many years and have had nothing but superb feedback from our HM owners.
Each Litter has a Naming System. Puppies from each litter will be required to have a name starting with the letter designated for that particular litter. If you have a name you really want to use and prefer not to use that letter name, your puppy would be named with the LITTER LETTER, followed by an apostrophe, and then your chosen name. We can provide a list of names for each particular litter, in case you are having trouble picking one out. And, feel free to use two word names if you wish… the total number of letters for your AKC Registered name cannot exceed 36 letters.
Example of two different names from our “O” litter: Ori vom Haus Morrisson and O’ Reilly vom Haus Morrisson.
At 6 to 7 weeks of age your puppy will visit the vet for their Health Certificate, Exam, Vaccinations and Microchip. You will be provided with a copy of this document in your puppy binder, along with HM’s documented health history for each puppy, and info on the sire and dam.
Puppies will be ready to go home at 8 weeks of age. By this time you should have purchased everything you need for your puppy to go home. Crate, Toys, Bones (USA Made only!) We will provide you with a 5lb bag of Taste of the Wild Food, as well as a goodie bag, with some surprises, and your puppy binder.
Final payments for purchases are only accepted in cash, so please plan for this. We do not accept PayPal or Checks for final payments. Your contract will serve as your receipt. Contracts will be signed in duplicate and all portions initialed by both parties. Our contract is available on our website, and we can also email copy if you prefer.
Pick-up will be scheduled by appointment, and take approximately 30 to 60 minutes. We do a photo shoot with your puppy and review any training the puppy has or should receive. During this appointment, we will have you complete a microchip registration. Your microchip will be registered in your name, the same day you take your puppy home. We register these through our Veterinarian (who prepays for the registration), so you will be required to bring a check or credit card to complete this form. The current fee is $21.00 and is a separate fee (this can be paid in cash, or via check to UAH – Urbana Animal Hospital). AKC Registrations are generally done online by Haus Morrisson within 1 to 2 weeks of taking your puppy home. You will need to have a vet visit scheduled within 3 days of your pick up appointment.
We wish you a wonderful experience with us! Our door is always open for questions and support!
Amy and Charlie Morrisson